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Colored Sand Find and Seek Party Jars


Craft Tutorials, Colored Sand

ACTÍVA Products

colored sand for kids

Small plastic jars (these are baby food)

½ lb ACTÍVA Colored sand bags in various colors

colored sand project idea

Tiny objects to search for: a paper clip, tack, kernel of corn, a bead, penny,

rubber band, you get the idea…

Spray paint


Paint all the lids with silver spray paint.

krylon sparay paint silver

Place objects into jars and fill half way with sand. Shake.

colored sand kids party

colored sand green

green colored sand

Fill with sand until it is approximately ¾” from the top---this

leaves enough room for sand and objects to move about.

When it doubt, test it to make sure you can find all the objects.

where to buy colored sand

pink colored sand

sand art game

Now, to be safe, it’s a good idea to glue on the lids

(or have someone super strong tighten them!).

kids crafts with colored sand

Make a list of all the tiny objects with check boxes next to the list or have

paper and pencil where party-goers can write down what they find.

sand game for kids

Designed by Candie Cooper
