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Three Dimensional Under the Sea Painting by Amanda Fleischbein


Lesson Plans, Sculpture, Rigid Wrap, Casting, Instamold, Permastone

ACTÍVA Products

As part of the ACTÍVA Products 2018 Art Teacher Mystery Box Contest, art teacher Amanda Fleischbein created this Three Dimensional Under the Sea Painting lesson plan.

Get the lesson plan for this Three Dimensional Under the Sea Painting by Amanda Fleischbein on Activa Products' website.  It was created with Rigid Wrap, InstaMold, and PermaStone.

About The Art Teacher

"My name is Amanda Fleischbein and I am the (very) proud art teacher at the Academy Prep Center of Tampa. As a Title 1 middle school teacher, I'm always looking for projects and products that will inspire and empower my students. When I'm not working on new projects for my students, my husband and I love to travel. We've been to 6 countries and 10 states in the last 6 years together!"

To learn more about Amanda, visit her website and follow her on Instagram.

Big Ideas of Lesson

Inspire students learning foreground/middle ground/background through a three dimensional under-the-sea painting! This assignment requires creative thinking skills, attention to detail, and provides an outstanding cross-curricular connection to Science (oceanography, biomes, impact of global warming on sea life). Additionally, using ACTÍVA's materials requires proper use of percents and ratios.

Supplies Needed

  • ACTÍVA Products Rigid Wrap
  • ACTÍVA Products InstaMold
  • ACTÍVA Products PermaStone
  • Canvas or Cardboard Background
  • Gyotaku Rubber Fish
  • Container for Mold
  • Bowl of Water (for Rigid Wrap)
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Acrylic Paint and Brushes

How to Make a Three-Dimensional Under the Sea Painting

1. Use InstaMold and Gyotaku fish to make molds. Once ready, pour the PermaStone and let set. Use InstaMold and rubber fish to create a mold of fish for this three-dimensional under the sea art.

Use InstaMold and rubber fish to create a mold for this Under the Sea 3D art.

Pour PermaStone into a mold created with InstaMold to create a casting of a fish for three-dimensional under the sea art.
2. Paint the canvas/cardboard background using cool colors.
Paint the background of the canvas or cardboard to create your 3D under the sea art.
3. Once the PermaStone has dried, paint your fish. I was inspired by Heather Galler's use of color and pattern.
Painted fish cast with PermaStone make a fun addition to 3D Under the Sea art.
4. Once the background is dry, use Rigid Wrap to create seaweed and coral reef. I simply twisted the strips after dipping in water and arranged directly on the background.
Use Rigid Wrap to create coral and seaweed on the 3D under the sea art.
5. Before the Rigid Wrap completely dries, place your fish. I wanted it to feel as though my crazy fish could have been swimming through the seaweed, so I lifted a bit up to allow for some overlapping.
Before the Rigid Wrap dries, place the fish onto the canvas.
6. Once the Rigid Wrap is dry, paint it! I also found I needed to touch up a few places where excess plaster dripped from applying my seaweed and coral.
Paint the Rigid Wrap seaweed and coral to create a beautiful 3D Under the Sea painting.
7. After everything has had a chance to dry, check to see which pieces need a little help sticking to the background and affix with your glue of choice (I opted for super glue). The fish will definitely need to be glued down!

Create a colorful and dynamic 3D Under the Sea painting with Rigid Wrap, PermaStone, and InstaMold. Click here to get this free 3D Under the Sea Painting lesson plan!  Students will be introduced to casting and color theory in this great lesson plan!  It's a great art project for older elementary students and middle school students.  #lessonplan #artteacher #artproject
